Recommended for:
Those who want to make homemade fermented foods without additives
Those who want to incorporate fermented foods into their meals for the health of their family
Those who want to learn the techniques of making traditional Japanese fermented foods
Those who want to learn the fun of making fermented foods by watching videos at their own pace
Those who want to improve their intestinal environment by eating fermented foods rich in probiotics

Are you ready to open the door to the world of fermentation?
Ogatatei Fermentation School is dedicated to those who are making fermented foods for the first time and chefs who want to research the pursuit of higher flavor. At our school, you can learn how to make traditional and original fermented foods while enjoying the fun of learning about fermentation. In addition, with the mission of passing on fermentation knowledge and techniques to the next generation, we also provide opportunities for questions and answers by taking courses.
Fermentation Master Online Course

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This course covers everything from the basics to the applications of fermentation. It is perfect for those who want to learn in depth about everything from how to make koji to the manufacturing techniques of various fermented foods. Learn professional techniques and master the world of fermentation.
Fermentation Master Course
(ZOOM online course)
Application period: January 9th to January 24th (0th period)
Tuition: $1,880
Number of participants: 8
By coming into contact with fermented foods, I began to feel my body becoming more balanced.
Twig Potter
Mami's dishes, which we sampled and served for lunch,
Each one permeates every corner of your being, making you feel like you're in balance.
Now, more than ever, we Japanese in particular need to rediscover the wonderfulness of miso, which is the foundation of Japanese cuisine, and we want to continue making miso and eating it as much as possible.
Miss Miki